Mugello Gp Run
The registrations must be received no later than 23.59 of Monday, January 16, 2017.
The registration fees are as follow:
Euro 12,00 for the competitive race (10,490 km).
Euro 7,00 for the non-competitive race (5,245 km).
Those who make the registration with in such period will be able to book lunch at the restaurant inside the Mugello Circuit with a menu at € 8.00 (to be indicated on the form and added to the registration fees at the time of registration), including: 1 first course (choice of 3 types), ½l water and coffee.
After this time limit, it will be possible to register only in person, Saturday, Jan. 21 from 15.00 to 18.00 and Sunday, Jan. 22, 2016, at the Expo area of MugelloCircuit from 8.00 am to 10.00 am with increased registration fees, namely:
Euro 15,00 for the competitive race (10,490 km).
Euro 10,00 for the non-competitive race (5,245 km).
Euro 1,00 for the non-competitive race for children (under the age of 15 years). The registration will be made directly on Sunday morning at the “Mugellino” racetrack (go-kart circuit inside the Mugello Circuit)
It is possible to make the registration no later than 23.59 of Monday, January 16, 2017, by the following methods:
- Web, on SDAM website, filling accurately the Form, necessarily attaching a copy (or number) of your Membership Card (if you are “non-members” it’s possible to register yourself by means of annual card issued by the organizers, with registration of membership to Asd. Maratona Mugello (UISP card) at a cost or 15€ (Read carefully Regulation art.2).
- Email sending the paper copy of the Registration Form accurately filled, copy of your Membership Card; if you are “non-members” it’s possible to register yourself by means of annual card issued by the organizers, with registration of membership to Asd. Maratona Mugello (UISP card) at a cost or 15€ (Read carefully Regulation art.2).
All registrations lacking of at least one of the requirements will be considered incomplete, posted and then deleted from the lists of registered athletes.
For picking-up the race number will be requested to the athletes to present the original of the authorization from their federation or the Health Form duly filled and signed. If lacking of this documents the organization will not deliver the race number.
The registration fees must be paid by:
-Payment with bank transfer IBAN code: IT82 N0832537 7510 0000 0042 313. SWIFT code: ICRAITR1913
Payble to: ASD. Maratona Mugello – Via Brocchi, 7 – 50032 Borgo San Lorenzo (FI)
-Payment with credit card / paypal/ homebanking bank transfer by the circuit for online registrations (on SDAM website)
Will not be accepted (and will be cancelled from the entry lists) the registrations lacking of the payment of the registration fees and the registrations arrived after the deadline.
The participation fees are non-refundable for any reasons.
For logistical and organizational reasons, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to close early registrations or accept registrations afterthe closing dateat its sole discretion. You can check your registration on-line at SDAM.IT
- Race number (The competitors cannot interfere with or reduce the race numbers, hiding terms or symbols. Athletes who do not abide by this rule will be disqualified).
- Disposable CHIP (only for the competitive race).
- Basic UISP insurance and medical assistance.
- Final refreshment.
- The possibility to use the services (showers and baths) of the structure.
- The possibility to book lunch at the restaurant inside the Mugello Circuit with a menu at € 8.00 ( including: 1 first course (choice of 3 types), ½ l water and coffee).
- Participation prize (technical t-shirt especially made for the event).
SDAM send to all registered athletes, which will indicate a valid email address, the confirmation of the registration. Registrations can also be check ed through the web site.
The race number and the goody bag can be picked up to the Mugello Circuit on Saturday, January 21 from 15.00 to 18.00 and Sunday, January 22 from 8.00 to 10.30.